Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wow! I am really enjoying the book -Art Pederson

"Wow! I am really enjoying the book. The first 12 pages of recommendations was a real blessing. I believe the reason is because I believe we are in some ways kindred spirits, particularly in the area of the whole Body of Christ. Everyone who has known me over the years knows of my commitment to fellowship with all believers... My wife remarked this evening about how much I have already highlighted the first 60 pages. I expect that practice to continue for the remainder of my adventure in reading your book. Thank you for the book.A humble servant in Christ, -- Art Pederson Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada"
p.s. In order to obtain a copy of the book 'Battle for the Soul of Canada', or any of our six books in paperback or ebook on Amazon, just click on this link.

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